Monday, December 29, 2008

Great News!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

So I found out at 2Sketches4You that my Celebrate card that I did last week was chosen for the Fab5!!! When I saw this last night I started to jump up and family thought I was!!! I guess being persistent is the way to go these just gotta!! I hope everyone is doing okay....I am doing a little sinus infection is kicking me in the rear end but I will!! I am off to Ben Franklin first time since I am in Montana and everything. See you soon!!!


Emily (stampingout on SCS) said...

I am so sorry you are sick while in Montanna! :( Congrats to you on your Celebration card, though! That's awesome!

Jenny said...

Congrats on the card at 2S4Y!!! I agree, keep trying! Sorry to hear you are sick! Thanks so much for the follow on my blog!

Joan Ervin said...

Congrats on your Celebration card and hopw you get better soon!! Have a great New Years!!!

Jan said...

It's no fun being sick while on vacation. Hope you feel better soon Tenia!

Congrats on making the Fab5!!!

Nancy said...

A big Woohoo for being picked, and a big Awwww for being sick!! Take care!

Lisa Foster said...

Happy New Year Year and congrats on your Celebration card! WoooHooo! Hope you are feeling better and enjoying Montana!

Anonymous said...

congrats!!! i hope your sinus infection goes away soon... they are nasty!

Happy new year!

Pia said...

Congratulations, Tenia!! What an awesome way to close out 2008!!